At La Sois Plum, we propose silk items that are safe even when wet so that you can go out with a light feeling even on rainy days when you tend to feel a little depressed.
Possibility to start from one piece For a sustainable future that is kind to the earth and people
BigVolume production、MassDisposalIs the problemFascio seenIndustry。
Big thingsCut off「Mottainai spirit」Is the groundIn thinking about the sphere environmentDeteIs also important。
Loving thingsMe、CarefullyThingsCan be used、Leading to sustainable effortsMasu。
Andhand、RepellentWater-treated silk scarf、Also used as a bag coverCan be usedRu「Bag coverScarf」Is、
SustainableLeNamiComingTaMeTo、「Take care of thingsToSuHeart」Born fromTara SowapruMu only-One product。
ScarIs it one sheet?Start fromPossibility、Sustina starting from one personBuLeNanaThoughtsI、It's kiEarthNot yetCreate comingRufirst stepTo。
LA You can meet SOIE PLUM products『Not yet in the futureThe first step to think about the comingbecome。』
SoBraDownDoI will aim for。
LA SOIEPLUM is committed to manufacturing products that are environmentally friendly and can be used habitually for a long time.
Uses environmentally friendly natural fiber (silk)Natural fiber is finalReturn to the soilTaMe、It can be said that it is a material that is very friendly to the global environment.。 Also、Chemical fiberIs 200Burn arounde、YesAlthough it generates poisonous gas、300 silk~46To 0 degreesDo not becomeAnd do not burn、YesIt can also generate poisonous gasArimaSen。
further、SuckingIt has excellent moisture properties、High moisture release ratelisten、With fibers that also have excellent heat retention、LightKana thinnessToshinaWhile having a gentle characteristic、「In winterWarmKu、summerIs coolNew」ComfyHeavenNatural AircoElementWith woodSu。
Corresponds to any scene with one--Cut UV raysTo be
silkPurpleExternal line cut rate is 90%Before and after、ExtremeHigh numbers are reportedTeori、ClothingKind onlynot、Beauty・health・MedicalIt is also attracting attention from the field。
-Has antibacterial action
silkHygroscopicity and moisture release suppress the growth of microorganisms、SoToxic due to its good hygroscopicityqualitySuckCollectSkinwill protect。
MaTa、bandElectricDifficult、Static electricity is generatedBecause it's hard to hear、Chile and dustWithDifficult、TickEtc.Because it is difficult to、To be hygienicYes。
--Antioxidant / active oxygen suppression effect, anti-aging effect
Ami contained in silkA type of noic acid「Sericin」Suppresses active oxygene、Spots and dullness、WrinklesDue tois there「Tyrosinase」Suppress。 SkinWeaken the rear functionShiProtect your skin from active oxygenTo protect、tableOn the surfacesilkWith a filmBar meRu。 It ’s an antioxidant.Not onlyhairOxidation of darkening of holes and sebumFor preventionCan be expected to be highly effective。 Sensitive skinAnd atopy、ToRableis therepartIs silkItching when wornMiAnd inflammation subsides。
--There is a moisturizing ingredient.
Moisturizing ingredients make hair smooth and pull outKeHair protectionGu SilkRotaineIs includedOri、thisTo the ingredientsIsHas a function to care for dead skinSo、BodyArrive atKeRuOnlyAll inSqueezeSmoothlyYou can expect the effect of。
-Activates cells
silkThe success ofMinutesPakuTo qualityIncludedIs「Sericin」IsMinoConsists of acid componentsTeori、this「Sericin」IsIn the body「Cysteine」Instead of the ingredient、Activate cellsSexualizeSo、skin Correct metabolismNormalize and turn overTo encourageGive meRu。
Creating employment and technology through community-based manufacturing (coexistence and contribution with local communities)
--Hand printing
Hand-printingWhat is dyeing? Silk screenprintingAlso known as、1 color 1Edition、Flow into the molddidBy hand dyeing the dyeSu。SoBecause of this, the craftsman's technical skills are very high.HeavyThe pointTsuWill come。
In La Sois Plum、Kimonoplace of origin・KyoMiyako、sideHamasuMosquitoA long-established dyeing factory that manufacturessoThisTheir printdoing。 KyotoYuzen dyeingIs 350Year history、「Yokohama Sucalf」ofHand-printing technology120 yearsFamous as a traditional craftsmanship。
WorldUp classAutomaticcleanUses a printing machineare doing、DayHome countryPrint insideDyed at the factoryColoredMasu。
--Rim stitching (manual winding)
Hand-wound hem(Le Rotage)IsAll JapanInsideCraftsmen are doing。
LA SOIEPLUM(La Sois Plum)Aimof、that is「Friendly to the earth and peopleManufacturing」is.